Elkin Robinson live at WOMEX 17, by Eric Van Nieuwland


Calling all worldwide musicians…

Come perform in front of one of the largest audiences of global music professionals. Get more information and submit your proposal by Friday, 16 March 2018 via our proposal site.

Each year, WOMEX assembles a broad selection of artists. The jury-selected acts will meet an audiences of dedicated international concert and festival bookers, tour promoters and venues, labels, distributors, journalists and industry professionals – everyone you need to help launch, re-launch, sustain and expand your career. In 2017, 303 artists from 46 countries took to seven stages as part of the Showcase Festival.

WOMEX explicitly welcomes proposals from all backgrounds and especially encourages proposals which increase the diversity of the international music scene – be it culturally, regionally or as regards gender.

We welcome performances of all forms and styles – traditional, classical, modern, popular and electronic – with sets lasting 45 minutes.

We can’t wait to hear your wonderful submissions!

WOMEX 16 showcase artists Black String, by Yannis Psathas

Important – Funding: Please note that WOMEX is not in the position to cover any fees, travel expenses or other costs. What we do provide is the stage, the necessary equipment to perform, local transport to and from the airport and the venue, and our extensive promotional treatment on equal basis with all other WOMEX Showcase artists. That includes promotion of the show itself, newsletters, online promo, publication of full bios and contact details in our WOMEX Guide, and much more. Additionally, all invited artists will get free full access to all features of WOMEX, plus one free registration for our partner of agreement (the artist representative).

If you want to propose a showcase, please think carefully about financing and let the Jury know what support or funding you have.

If you have any questions relating to showcase propoals, please email

To see last year’s showcase programme, see our archived website.

APPEL A CANDIDATURES : Fira Mediterrania de Manresa (Espagne)


Presentation deadline: Monday 5 March 2018 at 3.00 pm


Fira Mediterrània Manresa has an interdisciplinary programme, consisting of visual arts, circus, dance, exhibitions, music, storytelling and theatre. Arts projects can be submitted under two main themes:

  • Traditional Culture: based on elements that include the transfer of heritage, the crossover between contemporary creation and traditional regional culture, participation and the increase of the social foundations of culture.

Suitable projects: visual performing arts, circus, dance, exhibitions, music, storytelling, theatre, community and/or participatory shows, family shows, among others.

  • World Music and folk, traditional or contemporary music that is connected to its local region, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean.

Performances may be small, medium or large-scale format and aimed at adult and/or family audiences.

Valuation criteria

  • Artistic quality and interest.
  • Proposals must fit with the Fira programme themes.
  • Completely new productions, never staged before either in Catalonia or in Spain.
  • Potential success of the proposal.
  • Professional approach and interest shown in Fira as a place for meetings, dialogue and exchange.
  • Performances for more than one session reaching a larger professional audience.

Proposal submission period

The deadline for submitting proposals is 5 March 2018, at 3.00 pm.

There will be an ongoing assessment of proposals received from the start of the submission period.

Important: presenting a proposal implies acceptance of these rules.

Submitting your proposal

Artistic proposals can only be submitted online by completing the form at the end of this artistic participation regulation, once the rules for participation have been accepted. Please send one form for each artistic proposal you want to submit. Prior to doing this, you will need to create a user account if you have not already done so.

Once you have submitted the proposal, you will receive a confirmation email with an attached document containing information on the submitted show. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL, PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPOSAL WILL NOT HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED.

For any further queries, please contact

Financial conditions

Fira, as a performing arts fair attended by professional event booking agents (1,122 from 36 countries came to last year’s event), will agree a financial contribution with companies and groups.

Accommodation and meals

For accommodation and meals purposes, Fira will count as members of a company or a group the number of artists/technicians listed plus a maximum of one person in the role of agent or manager.


Fira will provide accommodation for companies and groups travelling from outside Catalonia, depending on the days and times of their performances. Accommodation will be in Manresa or in nearby towns, subject to availability. Rooms will be allocated on a shared basis. If a single room is requested, the supplement will be payable by the artist, provided that such rooms are available.


According to the system established by the organisers, Fira will provide meals (lunch and/or dinner) for companies/groups depending on the days and times of their performances. Meals will be provided only in the following cases:

  • Companies/groups performing on consecutive days.
  • Companies/groups with two shows per day (morning and afternoon).
  • Companies/groups that reside outside Catalonia

Important: the contract for accommodation and meals between Fira and the artist cannot be changed, and changes will not be accepted.

Contract and invoicing

Participation is subject to signing the contract formulated by Fira Mediterrània Foundation and issuing the corresponding electronic invoice “Promotional performance at Fira Mediterrània”.

Access to invitations, to the Business Area and to Stands

Companies or groups selected will be given the status of registered professional delegates and as such will be given two personalised passes with access to all scheduled shows when they reserve tickets for these shows in advance.

For their own performance (if it is a paid-ticket performance), each company or group will be allocated ten invitations per session, except performances with limited seating (up to 100 spectators). For these performances, invitation numbers will be negotiated on an individual basis.

They will also have access to the Business Area, the meeting, exchange and networking area attended by professionals registered at the event.

Artists wanting to have their own stand in the Business Area can do so at a cost of €314 + VAT (4 m2) or €405 + VAT (6 m2), to facilitate business based on offer and demand.

Managers, promoters and promoting companies with two or more artists performing at Fira will be required to purchase one of these stands.


Information about the performance will be produced by Fira using material provided by the artists and will be published via the following mechanisms:

  • Fira programme.
  • Professional guide.
  • Website
  • 2.0 tools.
  • Attendance at other international fairs of the sector.

Technical requirements

Fira Mediterrània will provide the performing companies/groups with the required performance specification, on the basis of the available budget and materials.

Image copyright

If Fira takes photographs and/or makes audio-visual recordings of performances, the artist authorises Fira to use these images for advertising purposes.


Companies or groups selected will receive official confirmation of their participation before 4 July 2018 by email.


Please address any queries by email to:

Material to be attached

Please attach the following material with your online application form:

  • Artistic portfolio: description of the performance, CV and cast and credits. (Max. 2MB)
  • Technical specifications: technical features, staff requirements and size of vehicle needed for transporting sets and equipment. (Max. 2MB)
  • At least one photograph of the company or group (in .tif or .jpg format measuring 10x15cm and with a resolution of 300 dpi). (Max. 4MB)
  • Video links (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.).
  • Audio links (Spotify, SoundCloud, myspace, bandcamp, DEEZER and others).


Please fill in the online form to participate in the 21st Fira Mediterrània Manresa, which will take place from 4 to 7 October 2018.

1. Register on the Fira website (if you are not already a 2018 user)

Register user

2. If you have already registered as a 2018 user on Fira Mediterrània’s website, please submit your artistic proposal as one of the following options:


Manager or promoter

APPEL A CANDIDATURES : Visa for Music 2018 (Maroc)

Artistes, groupes & Artistes Electro (Dj, Vj), c’est l’occasion pour participer aux showcases 2018 devant des milliers de professionnels venus du monde entier.

La quatrième édition de Visa For Music a réuni 1500 professionnels venus de partout dans le monde, 73 exposants, 400 artistes venus d’Afrique, du Moyen-Orient mais aussi d’Amérique latine, d’Europe, d’Asie et d’Océanie.

Vous avez jusqu’au 15 avril 2018 pour déposer votre demande de candidature !

Formulaire d’inscription :